Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sister of a Sister

  • I just had to share these ridiculously cute ideas, from my friend Shey.

    Postal Mail
     "Send our sister (who is serving currently) a one word letter for like 5 days in a row until it's complete. It could be longer than one word, but make it a continuation of a letter for the week or something."
    It could be an inspirational cute, an inside joke, a story, or a scripture. 
    Small Package Idea
    "Unique to her and her situation...she is serving in Kansas (you know, where the Wizard of Oz was done) and she has a charm bracelet so I told her she is there as the Mormon girl missionary form of Dorothy, Dorothy had to click her heels three times to get home but she is there teaching the 3 pillars of the Gospel that people need to know to get home. So I got her a ruby slippers charm!"
    This is a great idea for sister missionaries! A charm bracelet for Christmas that you can expand on for different holidays, seasons, or special events. 
    Themed Package
    "The first package I sent had random fun stuff in it, but I named each of them for Halloween...I put in a bracelet that was made out of metal & had leaves on it & said that it was petrified pumpkin leaves. Some Reese's & called them cremated peanuts, etc & labeled each item with a Halloween spin on it."
    This is an excellent idea for any season or holiday or even color. I am sure your will get an overload of themed package ideas on this blog :) 
    Wrapped Package
    "Before she left I gave her a gift that I wrapped to look like a shirt..
     And I also made her personalized stationary." Send a message to for more information on personalized stationary and to see her work check out 
    "I made her a pennant banner to decorate her room with and laminated it so that it would travel well. Also gave her a little stuffed Snow White doll (she loves snow white) to put on her bed. Atmosphere just is really big to me & her I thought it would be fun to have those little things to make her room look happy."

    I love all these ideas they are simply fabulous. Cute, unique and so fun for our Sisters in the field.